I'm blogging today(during lunch time of course), because I'm quite free compared to last week, and weeks before that. By the way, I just received a confirmation letter for my position as System Integrator. Thank God(reads Allah) for that.
Salary - Money paid to an employee for regular work performed that is supposed to reflect the true value of the employee to the company, but more often resembles a bad joke - urban dictionary.
Did I ever mentioned that this is the first time I feel overpaid(it is NOT that high! or is it because I always get less? hu hu). Before this, even though I never cried it out loud, I always that the company did not pay me as much as I work. My principle is quite simple actually, and I always give the same answer during any job interview. You give me something, then I'll give you something, if not more. Usually it turns out the other way around. Regardless of how lazy I am, or how late I went home, there's always "something" at the end of the month. But most people including me, just like to nag around that the company should pay me this much or this much, although everything should be settled right after they step into the company. We always want more aren't we?
But things a bit different for me now. Going back early is like a crime, at least for me (One more reason is that the office hour officially start at 10). Somehow I just feel unfair to the company, looking at how much they paid to get me to work. And I repeat, its not that high, really. I got bunch of friends who earn more than me, and I respect that. I dont have any formula to calculate the effort I put in against the salary I get. One of the reason I feel this way, most probably because I have been jobless for 3 months before I got this job. It is hard to appreciate something until it is no longer in your possession. Remembering the struggling my family had to go through, makes the appreciation towards the 'rezeki' is higher, and thank God(always reads Allah) for that. And I hope the company feel the same way too.
Rasulullah (PBUH) said(a hadith that people tend to overlook):
“Make the most of five things before five others: life before death, health before sickness, free time before becoming busy, youth before old age, and wealth before poverty.” (Saheeh al-Jaami’)
And yes, you'll never appreciate life until you're dead, but then, it might be a bit too late.
Thursday, January 28, 2010
Do 5 before 5
Posted by
1/28/2010 01:31:00 PM
Monday, January 4, 2010
Azam tahun baru
Hidup kurniaan Allah. Akal kurniaan Allah. Kita pikirla sendirik!
Di akhbar baik, tv baik, blog baik, sumenya sibuk membincangkan isu penggunaan nama Allah. Nak membuat ulasan ilmiah tentang isu tersebut, jauh sekali memandangkan terhadnya ilmu di dada, namun kemampuan akal kurnian Allah membuatkan aku gembira membaca ulasan2 ilmiah di internet. Blog2 seperti Khalid Samad, Zulkifli Noordin, Dr Maza, Uztaz Zaharuddin, Ustaz Nasrudin, Faisal Tehrani etc amatlah menyegarkan untuk menghilangkan kehausan ilmu di hati. Walaupun ada yang diikuti oleh komen2 kurang ilmiah, tapi aku anggap benda tu macam habuk2 teh je la. Yang penting, isi kena ada. Kalu tak, nak baca pun malas.
Setiap benda ada hikmahnya, ada adik dan kakak bertahun tak bertegur sapa. Anak sedara kawin pun tak datang. Bila umur makin mendaki, sakit pun menjenguk usia. Hari ni dah kembali kunjung mengunjung. Orang tua sabar dan tawakkal menghadapi ujian bila nikmat kesihatan ditarik balik, anak-anak seperti aku yang terlebih risau, tapi terubat hati memikirkan hikmah dari ujian - merapatkan silaturrahim, alhamdulillah.
Berbalik kepada isu terhangat awal 2010, salah satu hikmahnya, ramai yang dok google cari pengertian Allah yang sebenar, walaupun sepatutnya sebagai seorang Islam, benda ni yang paling core kat hati tuh! Alhamdulillah syukur bagi yang mencari. Yang protest pun, protestlah, tapi janganlah takat tercegat pegang poster. Tapi, nanti katakan lah kebenaran guna Allah tu dapat ditarik balik(alhamdulillah), so what's next wahai protester-protester? Senyap balik sampai ada isu kontroversi terbaru? Sebelum Bible kat mesia tak guna nama Allah pun lagi, dah ramai muda-mudi Islam ni mesia hidup tak macam orang Islam. Nak protest bagus(kalu tak kena sembur), tapi tindakan susulan nak kena ada bai. Dok asyik protest takut orang Islam terjebak dengan dakyah kristian, tapi pada masa yang sama takde lak dihadkan hiburan or benda-benda kurang ilmiah di kalangan muda-mudi. Serbu sarang maksiat kat sini, kat sana terbukak. Serbu kat sana, kat sini dah bayar compound, bleh bukak balik. Kesian kat abang2/akak2 yang pegi serbu. Penat bai! Tapi takpelah, kalu ikhlas, bukan gaji je dapat, insyallah pahala pun lumayan. Kat tv lak, terlalu banyak hiburan tak ilmiah. Dok sebok gossip artis. Si A nak kat si B. Si B tak layan. Si A merajuk kat si C. Si b jeles. Me-nyamp-pah. Si-ti jugak bagus sket dah start pakai tudung separa. Adalah perubahan positif. Best gak membebel ni kan, no wonder la pompuan suka. Macam2 cadangan boleh diusulkan, tapi eloklah aku baiki diri aku. Pastu keluarga dan seterusnya masyarakat.
Oleh itu, berpandukan tema "Hidup di dunia adalah titisan di hujung jari, di mana akhirat itulah lautan", azam tahun baru(azam lama ni actually),:
1. Aku nak selalu gi semayang kat surau sambil dengar majlis ilmu
2. Aku nak banyakkan baca Al-Quran
3. Aku nak kutip ilmu di mana saja, (by the way, Halaqah lepas, ustaz tu bitau suruh amalkan dua Sod, Sobar and Solat)
4. Nak merasa dok rumah sendiri
5. Akan ditambah, bila dah boleh istaqamah dgn yang di atas,
Sahabat yang baik, adalah sahabat yang menegur bila kita lakukan kesilapan. Oleh itu, aku menyeru, debiklah aku wahai sahabat2 sekalian sekiranya korang nampak aku buat silap dalam hidup beragama.
Ya Allah, cukuplah bagiku ya Allah(yang menolong dan memeliharaku), tiada Tuhan yang berhak disembah melainkan Dia, kepadaNya aku berserah diri, dan Dialah Yang Mempunyai Arasy Yang Besar.
Posted by
1/04/2010 01:54:00 PM